
Showing posts from May, 2013

Realities of winter work in Oatlands

Sun up at about 7.30am sun down 4.50 pm. This introduces a new meaning the working outside while itś light. You cant start till itś defrosted and after 3.30 it starts the cycle starts again. Sunny days are a buzz of activity. Gray or rainy days are indoors. Fires are a must. Drafts and insulation sudenly move to the top of any work list. Unless it means opening up the house to the weather. In winter you just don get as much done and plans are flexible....

Winter Works…..

Winter is here in Tassie. Today it was minus 4 at 7 am this morning. I suppose I knew winter was going to be cold in a building that leaks air like a sieve and has heats sources that throw most of there heat straight up the chimney. Open fires are so romantic but pretty useless. Normally the kitchen is the heart of a house in winter as you all crowd round the “Rayburn” stove.  This house had been “gassified” in the worst possible way.  Gas stove and a gas hot water heated plonked in the old kitchen fire place. Wood stove dumped. Most fire places blocked up. windows painted shut. My job over winter is to fix this loss, replace the insert in the “lounge” with one who’s fan works and is a mite more efficient. I also have to get the planning approval for a shed at the top of the garden. Whilst I’m here I am to get “as much” as possible done. Painting digging, wood and weatherboard ordered, gutters ordered and things in pl...