
Showing posts from January, 2016

still struggling. ...dragons and speech recognition

Still struggling with Linux and Mac OS. Yup still. Why? well I got stuck on speech recognition - see for me it works once you get over the self awareness thing. Speaking and not suddenly stopping because you feel like a dawk. Yes I have got it running in Linux using a previous version of dragon but it does work best for me in MacOS. Dragon is a pain because of the update policy - its greedy - pay every time you do a OS update... So as soon as I can dragon will be dumped. Thill then I have to run a laptop with Mac OS and Dragon so I can disappead into a corner and grumble at the screen. Word processor - doesnt matter - I use NoteCasePro - all I want is text I can past into scrivener - sync thru my drop-box then hope on to Linux to finesse. I now have a digital process that is mainly open and not OS specific. Zotero- biblio, Evernote - notes and searches, Scrivener structured writing, Xmind, ithoughts, simplemind - mindmaps for thinking, Projectlibre project planing from a m...