Ramblings on suburban life, wooden houses in Tasmania,Volvo's, Bicycles, Solar Power, sustainability, computers (Linux Mac) and other matters of "import"
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Why ride a bike from Port Augusta in South Australia to Kurrumba in Queensland?
thoughts_on_social_media Thoughts on Social Media Or why I just dumped facebook I’m in shock aft er setting up a facebook account to follow the kids and communicate with my fellow conservators several years ago, I was quite wedded to it but it also bugged me. Too intrusive.. I found G+ nicer… Amazingly it was another site/app that made me dump facebook. I have previously had apps pinch all my contacts but this time it was the fact that an site/app pretending to be a message for me from someone I wasnted to talk too… I got suckered and did not uncross all of the permissions when signing up. So it spammed everyone in my facebook account. All 1400 of them. So in a fit of peek I deleted both accounts. Felt sooo good. I may eventually set up a very private account so my family can keep in touch but after having a similar thing happen with Linked-in I was not in a mood for a repeat. So sorry to all of you who want to follow my mianderings on “facebook”. I will be doing some thin...
#deletefacebook Last night I followed Musks lead and deleted my facebook account. Second time. First time was because I had been the coordinator of an international group and I had several hundred "friends" who I only knew thru the group. This time its for a lot of reasons but was triggered by the Cambridge Analytical scandal. Reasons; I wasn't reading any more. Just sucking up the feed each day. "The Guardian" and "the conversation" were sources to repost. I got a buzz from "likes". It took time from my day. It was insidious and reinforced my own opinions. It was polarising. The quality of my communication diminished. What will I miss? Easy communication. Communication with old friends for whom I have no emails. Information sources and selling opportunities. What will I have to do to achieve the same level of communication is use email more and also a range of apps - sites - Linkedin - Gumtree - Skype G+ and so on. ...
Winter is finally here. The rains have come. The wind has a wry. My dictation software still can’t get it right. It can’t see the difference between a rise and a wry. But anyway. He has its own project night three fires going one ton of wood $110. but which is worse liberals in their budget or the interpretation that Dragon puts on nicely. (my speech). I suppose if I gave up on dragon and used the keyboard I could just use linux...
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