Winter Sony Vaio, linux and wood fires

Got 3 tonnes of wood for winter – renewable – regenerate-able unlike the very un – natural gas like natural gas it benefits from direct heating.

But no side effects like “Burrup” and it is actually renewable in our own lifetime – mot the 50 million require by dinosaurs.

So a nice warm energy +ive house.


 Rather like living in Muttaburra

So what about this Sony Vaio thing – well loved the idea of a Mac Book pro – but could not stand the non renewable battery and the DRM so decided to go for something else running Win dos 7.

Nice except for all the crap that runs as well.

A ThinkPad may have been better. but love the video on this “lugable 17” wonder. Goofed up my choice a bit as Linux and sound is not as supported with out a Kernel recompile. Nvidia is also providing some problems too – again not unsolvable. But I can’t be fagged at present. So widos 7 it is. just turned as much of the crap off as possible.

Ubuntu is working well as is fedora. Sound is not available thru speakers in ubuntu but neither has a working inbuilt mic but this can be done thru the kernel recompile. Not yet.

SO winDoze 7 – not bad – still 24 reboots after one complete reinstall. all updates took all day. Bugger – Ubuntu too 15 minutes – and is soo much quicker to boot. even with a i5, 4 gig of ram and a 500gig drive this thing is not fast. – the disk drive is the culprit. Slow. but much quicker on linux.

Still like it though – specially on 3 g…


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