
We settle on the 10th - or so the lawyers would have us believe…

We will see for if we do here starts our journey of dicovery

I fly down to Hobart on Thursday to inspect the house and make sure that everything is as it should be for settlement.

I'm doing this blog using DragonDictate so this is an interesting way of doing it talking to the computer instead of actually writing or typing I find it's a lot quicker. I'm still having problems getting used to how easy it is to write stuff. And also having to say..

Currently I'm still thinking too hard about what I'm doing.

While I’m down there this time I’m going to be doing the inspection on Thursday and then I hope picking up today is on the Friday. I will then have the rest of Friday to arrange some furniture and some tools. Saturday I will survey the property and and do a conditional report plus lots of photographs. Sunday I had to go for a walk around town and around the region. Monday I have to pack up and come time. My aim is to produce an outline for the work that needs to be done. This will allow me to cost and programming the jobs require over the next 6 months.

This is cool now typing.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on the style of the house. If it was the church it would the carpenter Victorian Carpenter Gothic but it’s not a church and it’s not Victorian Carpenter Gothic. I hope to be able to get some information from counsel as to when the building was built. The current information we have is not very accurate.


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