Subject: Warming dilemna - mums post..
Just a post my mum could not get thru normal media....
Subject: Warming dilemna
Lea tells us (Inquirer Dec 27-28) we have to chose between human
welfare and the welfare of the environment. Does not the welfare of the
environment ineluctably involve the humans within it? He adds, that
"For millenia, humans have adapted to climate change". Indeed they
have. As a prehistorian, I know that my colleagues have shown that, in
Australia, extreme arid phases involved human population decrease, the
concentration of usage around reliable water sources, and the virtual
abandonment of whole swathes of terrain within previously well-used
parts of the centre and west of the continent. Is this the sort of
"adaptation" denialists envisage for our continent?
notice that most of those who do not regard rising temperatures as a
worry live in the cooler portions of the globe - northwest Europe, or
the eastern or southern coastal belts of Australia. We hear less about
ease of adaptation from the interior. I lived in York, a mere 100km
inland, when the official temperature once reached 50C, and I have no
wish for the new experience of adapting to habitual maxima of that ilk.
No amount of air conditioning (with its feedback effects in yet higher
temperatures) can compensate for watering the plants, getting letters
from the postbox, shopping, or hanging out the washing in such
future of the outback, the wheatbelt, and Perth, a city on the edge of
the desert, are surely matters not only of "the welfare of the
environment" but of "human welfare". We have all to work for the future
viability of land and people throughout our beautiful continent.
Hallam (MA, PhD Cambridge; retired Professor of Prehistoric
Archaeology, UWA; Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities)
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